
Monday, September 08, 2008

Car Wash

There's no better way to beat the heat (and get a car clean!) then to give kids water guns and get them to help clean a car!! We managed to convince them that this was the best idea ever to clean Sarah's car with water guns. They were actually helpful for the most part until their sponges started to fall in the dirt and they started to spread mud on the pretty white car....oops! All around it was good fun though and they enjoyed themselves and got to cool off from the summer heat!

Monday, August 11, 2008


In the spirit of the summer Olympics, we taught Beca some tumbling skills!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Road Trip Part 2

After our night in Sibiu we traveled West toward Timisoara. My brother had come out in June and stayed at the Precepts ministry center, and we decided to go back out there and stay for a couple of days just to relax and get out of Brasov. It was a beautiful drive across the country and we got to see many parts of Romania that I had never seen before.

Along the way, we stopped at a vineyard... It was such a beautiful place and had some delicious wine!Mary, Beca, and I decided to pose with some traditional Romanians...don't we fit right in??

At the center, we spent a lot of time just hanging out and taking walks around. It was a good time to get away and get refreshed to go back to work at the hospital!

There were some tennis courts there and Beca learned how to play! She was quite the talented little player!
One day we took a trip into the bigger town of Lugoj that was nearby. We had a picnic in the park in the center of town. I don't think too many people do this...we got a few strange looks from people and had one guy come and just stare for a while. Oh well! It was a beautiful day and we enjoyed our picnic!
Lugoj had a beautiful canal that ran right through the middle of it.
It was a fantastic trip and a fun getaway for all of us!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Road Trip!

In August, Steffi went to Germany with Roxi and Costel, so Mary, Sarah and I decided to go on a little road trip across Romania with Beca. We started in Sibiu, a town about 2 and a half hours away from Brasov. It's a very cute little town that actually reminded me a lot of Brasov with a huge center that Beca just loved! There were fountains that squirted up out of the ground that she had a blast playing in! She ended up a bit wet, but it was well worth it to see how much fun she had. Mary maybe got a littl wet as well playing in the water...

We walked around and saw some of the other sights in town. Lots of old, historic buildings and churches. It was nice to shop and relax and enjoy just being outside and seeing a town outside of Brasov.

We found a car along the way that seemed just the right size for Beca!

Mary and Beca in front of the church in the center of town.
We spent one night in Sibiu before continuing our journey on further to the west in Romania...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh What A Beautiful Baby!

Now, I know not everyone will appreciate the beauty of this little girl, but she has stolen my heart. She is a gorgeous little thing with wild hair and huge eyes! Her name is Solidad (not actually sure if I'm spelling that right) and she's just over a year old. Such a doll!

Look how good she is with other babies!
So pretty all dressed up!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Day With Some Cuties

I had a random morning alone with Costel and Beca and we decided to have a little outing to get some ice cream and go to the park. These 2 little ones are so adorible! I love spending time with them.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

In July, a team of girls from Denmark and Australia came to Brasov for a photo project. They went to Budila, a village right outside of Brasov, and took pictures of the families there. It was a really neat project for us to watch, as many of the babies in the hospital come from that village. It was also a fun week for us since all 7 of the girls stayed with us in our house!