
Friday, June 22, 2007

Back in Texas

I arrived safely back in Texas last Sunday. It was really fun to fly in and surprise my Dad for Father's Day (he thought I wasn't coming in until Wednesday). Bill came in town as well, so I was able to spend time with my whole family for a couple of days. I'm excited to have 7 weeks to hang out with family and friends and raise support to go back in August.

My mom and I decided to go on a shopping trip to San Marcos this week. We also intended to go tubing, but the weather did not cooperate at all! I got a lot of good bargains on things to take back with me, including some great gifts for people. Now my only problem is going to be trying to figure out how in the world to get it all back...

It's strange the things that are surprising me here! I was running the other morning and everyone I passed on the greenbelt would smile and say hello!! While I'm sure that is not surprising to any of you, that just doesn't happen in Romania. One of the many things that is different on the other side of the world. I think there will be a lot of things that come up that I am not used to anymore.

That's all I have to share for now about life back in the US. It's great to be home!


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