
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Teaching English

Every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon I go and teach English to a group of Romanian kids. We do very basic things like colors and animals. They learned head, shoulders, knees, and toes and that seems to be all they ever want to do! They're pretty cute when they sing it since they don't really know what the words are and they just say something that sounds similar. We're working on it though!


Blogger Samantha said...

I am so glad to see the updates. It does look beautiful in the snow. I won't tell you that the weather is in the 70's today in Hurst. :-)

Your hair looks beautiful, the kids did a good job. I can't wait to hear how the talks went this week with all the decision makers. I was praying on this end and still am. May the Lord's will be done and I pray that the hands that are involved in the decision making are only the hands of the Lord's servants and not those that intend to stop the work being done to love His children.

In Christ,


9:37 AM  

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