
Thursday, November 23, 2006


Thanksgiving in Romania was wonderful! An American missionary couple who live in a nearby village invited everyone to their house for a huge feast. They made so much amazing food; all the traditional things were there like turkey, mashed potatoes, bread, stuffing, and tons of pies. There were over 40 people there including all the kids that were around. It was a great day of relaxing and hanging out with friends!

This picture has the Crossley's (the wonderful people who put on this whole event) on the right and my pastor Keala and his wife Heather on the left.

This was just one of the rooms in the house where people were enjoying the delicious meal!
The little ones got restless in the house, so we decided to go on a walk. This is Steffi, Sarah (with Costel) and me on our walk through the village.
Bridget, Rebeca and Steffi


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