
Friday, December 15, 2006

New Schedule

Now that I'm working in the hospital my schedule has changed up a bit. I'm so thankful that everything has worked out to allow me the opportunity to work there; it has been amazing! I work in the Brasov hospital on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9-1 and Saturday afternoons from 3-5. Thursday mornings I go to the hospital in Sacele, which is a town right outside of Brasov. It is a smaller hospital with much fewer babies. On Tuesday and Thursday afternoons I teach English at an after school program in Sacele for 30 minutes and then help out with the rest of the program for 2 hours. I'm still hoping to make it out to Chip every once in a while on my free evenings. I've worked there for 2 months and have gotten really attached to the kids and want to continue to spend time with them as well.


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