
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Costel's Family

Last weekend, we decided to take Costel's siblings out for lunch. They love to see Costel and how he is doing, and it's nice for them to get out of their village from time to time. This is a picture of 4 of his siblings and a cousin that came out with us on Friday. He has 2 other brothers who did not join us. One is younger than Costel and the other is 6 but was in the hospital. These kids are so sweet and they had a ball being able to walk around the town and see what Brasov was like!
We started the day with lunch at McDonald's. The kids were so excited to have hamburgers and french fries! It was sad to see them each save half of their food so they would have it for later. It was definitely a reality check for what kind of conditions these kids live in at home.
Then we went and sat by the fountain in the center and all the kids had ice cream. It was a beautiful sunny day and we all enjoyed being out!

It was hard to see the drastically different life that Costel now lives compared to his family. We are working on trying to get sponsors for his famliy so we can help them out more at home. If you are interested in helping, please let me know!


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