
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Back in Texas!

I got to take a short break from the cold and headed back to Texas for 2 weeks. It was a great break and I had the opportunity to hang out with lots of friends and to see my family. I started the time in Dallas, where I got to go to my small group Christmas party! It was a lot of fun to see those girls again and get caught up on life.

Nathan, Kelly, Travis, Ryan, Mary and I all stayed at Mary's apartment for a few days and had so much fun! I didn't realize how much I missed my friends from back home until I got to spend time with them again. It was great to just relax and hang out.
I had Travis in our secret santa gift exchange. Nate gave me a fantastic scarf to keep me warm in Romania and some delicious peppermint hot chocolate to take back with me (other flavors too, but the peppermint is my favorite!)

We had a fondu dinner one night at the apartment. It was very entertaining to watch the boys fight over every piece of meat that fell off in the pot! It's amazing what a loose piece of meat will do to some hungry boys.


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