
Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I was thinking and realized that I haven't really ever described a day at the hospital on here, so I thought I'd do that in case you're interested. We get there around 9 and go and help feed the babies their bottles. They're all a little tired at this point in the day and very cuddly, so it's great fun! After their bottles, they have to go back in their beds to wait for the doctor to check them. We travel around the rooms and hold them and play with them while they wait to get checked out. Once they are cleared by the doctors, we can take them into the play room. If they are sick, we can't take them out of bed, but we try to get as many healthy ones as we can into the play room. We have walkers and toys and all kinds of fun things for them to play with in there, so it's a lot of fun! Around 10:30 or 11 they have to get their medication, so it's back to the beds. Once they have their medicine we can bring them back again until around noon when it's time for lunch. We help give them their bottles for lunch and then put them back in bed. Then it's off to change all the babies on the 4th floor and the 3rd floor of the hospital. It's a long process, but fun to get to give every baby individual attention and say goodbye before leaving for the day. It's a lot of fun and every day ends up being different from the one before, so it doesn't ever get too repetitive!


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