
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A New House

I know I've moved around a lot since I've come to Romania, but hopefully this will be the last time for a while. I mentioned in my last newsletter that we were trying to rent a house, and God worked everything together perfectly for us to be able to rent this gorgeous place! It's so big and has a ton of space outside for the kids to play. I will be moving in with Sarah and Steffi and the kids at the beginning of November. The rent is a great deal for how much space we are getting and the area the house is in. It will be less expensive for all of us to live there than it would be for us to stay in the 2 apartments we currently live in. The only down side is that you have to climb a HUGE hill to get to the house, but once you make it up there it is definitely worth it.
There are 2 terraces outside like this one. They are one of the main things that sold us on this place. Inside the house is nice and spacious, but the outside it what makes it all worth it.
This is the veiw we get anytime we look outside. You can't ask for anything prettier! We literally look right down on the center of Brasov. God was so good to bring this along!


Blogger Linda Jo said...

WOW! How wonderful. And I love that roof.

8:38 PM  

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