
Wednesday, November 28, 2007


We decided that since we have a nice big house and 2 Americans living in it, that we should host Thanksgiving this year! We invited some friends over and everyone contributed to the delicious food. It was a fun day with friends and laughter all around.

We managed to find a whole turkey here, which is more complicated than you might think! It took a few stores to finally find one, but we were successful. Sarah and I had to google instructions for how to cook a turkey, but it turned out great! The timing was perfect and the turkey was delicious. It's a lot of pressure to be responsible for the main part of the whole meal!
Our table all set up and ready to go!

Jo came up with some creative crafts to entertain the little ones. They carved "pumpkins" made out of oranges. They turned out really cute! While it wasn't the same as having Thanksgiving at home with my family, it was still fun to be with so many friends to celebrate the day!


Blogger Linda Jo said...

I'm so proud of you cooking a whole turkey! It IS a big responsibility. And...I'm glad you have plenty of firewood.

8:42 PM  

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