
Monday, October 16, 2006

Romanian Food

Lots of people asked before I left what the food was like in Romania, so I figured I would put some pictures on here for you to get the idea. So far the food at my place has been pretty good. The bottom picture was the only night I didn't really enjoy - it was a mix of mushrooms and tomoatos, neither one of which I am a big fan. I don't know what a lot of it is, and I don't bother asking. I figured I have more of a chance of trying it if I don't know what I'm eating! Most every meal comes with rice, some form of potatoes, some type of meat and a soup. They serve huge portions, so I always feel bad not finishing everything.


Blogger Janelle said...

Beth! I just learned of your blog, so here I am to take a look. I am excited to have a more direct way of knowing what's happening with you in Romania... this way I can pray more specifically for you. I also, plan to have our Bible study group start praying for you on a regular basis. We are studying Acts right now and are talking about what it means to follow Christ... even to the ends of the earth... you my dear probably feel like you're somewhere near "the end of the earth."
Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to hearing about the wonderful adventure you and God will have during the next 9 months... you are in my prayers.

PS~ you are very brave to try all this interesting food!

10:11 AM  

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